Before anyone asks, classic battery is the one that requires you fill it up with battery "water" from time to time or it will die out. I don't know about other countries but the classic car battery is still widely used even though the new ones are becoming more common. My question is, which one do you think lasts longer and better in the long run? Right now, classic battery is cheaper than the maintenance free ones but the new one saves me the hassle of refilling the battery "water."
The lower price for classic isn't worth the hassle in my view. However, though, it depends on how expensive the opposite is. If it's incredibly high, then doing some battery maintenance could be worth the time.
There were facilities where the classic battery could be rebuilt, thus prolonging its life. Many of this maintenance-free batteries offer a short guarantee period, In some instances, the maintenance-free batteries go bad soon after the guarantee period is up and it can't be repaired so you will have to but a new battery sooner than you would have expected.