We have many ways of making our drinking water safe depending on the areas we live or our practices of purifying water. But do really the methods we use make water safe for drinking? For example we can boil or use waterguard.In our home we boil water before we drink because we believe this kills all the germs therefore making it safe for drinking. Which method do you use to make water safe before drinking it?
We have an RO machine installed in our home which will directly purify the water from our borewell and we drink it without boiling since it is safe. Even we have the same machines installed in our college. Boiling is one of the best methods to purify the water but improper boiling may cause the bacterias present in the water to become strong and persist longer which will, in turn, cause infection for us when consumed. So, it is best to have a properly boiled water or a water purifier in a clean environment.
In order to have safe drinking water one must have a water purifier installed but here where I live it is rare to see someone having a purifier installed. This is the reason why water machines are so popular here so every two days I will have to go out to fill big water bottles up. many people here boil their water but there is a technique to it so to provent any mistakes I go fill up with purified water instead
We have always been boiling water at my home since I was a child. Boiling kills the germs and makes water safe. We let it cool and then drink. At my rural home, we have water from borehole but it is not clean. So we always drink rain water. Rain water is believe to be clean there since it is a natural area and the air is fresh and clean.
We buy water that's already been purified. We have a borehole but the water isn't purified it goes straight to the overhead tank and then to the tap so we seldom drink it. There's a water factory few blocks away from our home and they do home delivery so we order from them. The water is very much safe to consume as it undergoes purification in line with the standard operating procedure of the country.
We used to buy water that is delivered to us. It costs a lot since we consume lots of water at home. It was fortunate that we found a water purifier that costs less than $100. That was 2 years ago, I think. So now we don't spend for drinking water because of that purifier.
We do buy mineral water delivered to our house, yet I still boil it. Especially that I have a baby, so even if it's already purified, I still wanna make sure the cleanliness of the water I use for my baby.
Our water quality is so bad that we cannot even think of drinking water from the tap so we have no choice but to use water purifier for cooking and drinking water and in some cases for washing dishes. The water level is gone down considerably due to overuse of earth water and the worst thing that is happening is the reverse drainage of water through water boring for industrial waste water. We have no choice but to use as many water treatment methods as possible.
The quality of the water that we receive through the tap has been certified to be of good quality, therefore, there may not necessarily be the need to obtain drinking water in any other forms. However, many people opt to acquire purified water and there are numerous water stores where the purified water may be obtained. These water outlets do very good business because at one one of them, on a daily basis, you will see numerous customers go in and out in order to purchase purified or alkaline water.
We in India have our own water purifiers in almost every household as an essential item. The quality of water has deteriorated so much in last couple of decades that not having water purifier is guarantee of having waterborne as well kidney related diseases. Everyone opts for affordable water treatment systems in our houses here which ranges from UV, RO and RO+UV water purifiers.
I drink water directly from the faucet of the water facility service here cause I give them my full trust. Besides, I always believe that it would make me immune to some bacteria if I do it and thanks a lot never had any trouble whatsoever doing it. But my parents are at passed their prime and doing so might cause them harm than good. So we do boil the water just to be safe for them to drink.
The only way in which water will be safe to drink is the boiling water. I boil water for drinking, the rest of the suing water I may buy from the supermarket. The boil water is safest for drinking!
It can be considered something rather rustic for some people, but... Boiling water is one of the best options and then undergoing a peneration process. It's really effective.
Well in my area of living, tap water is of high quality and is perfect for consumption, but you can use filters to help with the quality.
Water purifier such as RO water purifier costs a lot of money. However, the money you spend is only one time investment. There is almost zero maintainence cost. I use RO water purifier. I have also used other methods such as a simple water filter, chlorine and boiling in the past.
We don't use tap water for drinking because household filters or purifiers are not enough to make it drinkable. We do use a filter to weed out some levels of impurities to make the water safe for brushing our teeth, washing the dishes, bathing, and washing our hands. We regularly buy purified water water in large containers from a reputable water refilling station which uses several stages of purification. A 5-gallon container only costs about $.50 and we have it delivered for free. We normally consume two to three containers a week. That is still a lot cheaper than buying and maintaining a purifier on top of paying for your water bill. For those with babies, they usually buy distilled water from the supermarket.