Would you rather buy a phone at its full pricing or sign up with a contract to get a discount?

Discussion in Landline & Mobile Phone Networks started by maryannballeras • Nov 15, 2014.

  1. luckycharm

    luckycharmActive Member

    Oct 5, 2016
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    In the present circumstances I would not do that. Internet charges are going through revolutionary changes in our country. The main challenge in front of every telecom provider here is to retain the customer and have him on the network as long as possible. All of them are coming up with competitive rates and customer is the ultimate beneficiary. So if I sign up a contract for two years or so I have to stay with that company and would not be able to enjoy the cheapest rates available in the market. I would rather go for a economic phone or wait for a shopping event in online shopping stores so that I can buy them at great discounts.

    I would have chosen this option earlier when data charges were very high in our location. Now the situation has changed a lot.